ApeSwap Finance. Farm BANANA tokens on liquidity pools.

5 min readMay 10, 2021


In this article, you will learn about the ApeSwap Finance project, what it was created for, what you can do on it, how you can earn money on this project, and a lot of useful information about this project.

What is ApeSwap?

ApeSwap is a Decentralized Exchange / Automated Market Maker, Yield Farming, and Staking platform running on Binance Smart Chain.

Earn BANANA tokens on farms for providing liquidity to the project.

Earn your favorite tokens by stacking BANANA tokens in the pools.

Main functions of ApeSwap:

  • Exchange BSC tokens
  • Farm of BANANA
  • Staking of BANANA
  • IAO
  • Lottery
  • NFA

Exchange — decentralized exchange of tokens on Binance Smart Chain network.

Using this exchanger is much more convenient and easier than the exchange. Here you just need to connect your wallet and you can already make exchanges on the project.

There is no need to pass any verification anywhere, just here you do not need to wait for the order to be executed, here you can make instant exchanges with large volumes.

Farm of BANANA tokens

How does it work?

The project needs constant liquidity of funds in the exchanger, so when people come and give their funds to ensure the correct operation of the exchanger, the project gives people the opportunity to earn BANANA tokens on farms.

Providing liquidity, you get LP tokens, which you can then shove into a certain company and start earning up to 500% of the contribution of BANANA tokens.


To provide liquidity, you need two coins, each should be equally divided. let’s say $50 in the first coin and $50 in the second coin.

You can exchange LP tokens for your original tokens at any time.

Staking of BANANA

How does work?

Here you need to store BANANA tokens in the pool and you will be able to receive other tokens for this, it all depends on which pool you will store them in.

In this pools you will receive BANANA, ONT, BFT:


  • Stake BANANA to earn new tokens.
  • You can unstake at any time.
  • Rewards are calculated per block.

IAO: Initial Ape Offerings

Here everyone can buy new tokens in exchange for LP tokens of BNB-BANANA.

So far, not so many IAO have been held here, because the project is not very popular yet, but in the future it will be held more and more often by IAO, follow the site.

IAO platform — https://apeswap.finance/iao


Your BANANA tokens will be burned, and the BNB will be transferred to the project creators.

Lottery — Buy tickets with BANANA and win.

How does it work?

You buy tickets for BANANA tokens and if they are winning, then you get a reward, if not, then you lose your BANANAS.

This is an ordinary roulette and it is impossible to guess which ticket will be the winning one in advance.

Therefore, you should not get seriously involved in this, because it is very easy to lose your money here.

Here are examples of recent winning tickets:

NFA — Non Fungible Apes

Non Fungible Apes are a cryptographically generated set of 1,000 unique, rare, immutable, digital apes.

Each ape is created by hashing a string to randomly generate a set of 6 characteristics: Base, Face, Frame, Mouth, Eyes, and Top.


How can you tell an NFA’s rarity?

  • Common Chimps: Tier 1 (500 NFAs) — Most common
  • Original Orangutans: Tier 2 (250 NFAs)
  • Alluring Apes: Tier 3 (150 NFAs)
  • Prime Primates: Tier 4 (70 NFAs)
  • Magic Monkeys: Tier 5 (30 NFAs) — Most rare

You can buy such coins and try to sell them more expensive or somehow get them, but how they are mined I do not know.

But I know that these monkeys are not cheap:

Market of NFA :

About social media of ApeSwap:

Web-site — https://apeswap.finance/
Info — https://info.apeswap.finance/
Telegram channel — https://t.me/ape_swap_news
Telegram chat — https://t.me/ape_swap
Twitter — https://twitter.com/ape_swap

About author of article:

Bitcointalk profile — sunny28
My wallet — 0x645Af19fdBE1ba58751FeaF2AaD52009283b425e

